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Information for Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee(BAMER) Victims and Survivors. CRASAC provides a sensitive interpretation service.

People from BAMER communities who have experienced sexual violence and abuse may face specific fears and pressures, for example:

  • Where women are subject to powerful traditional practices such as izzat (honour) and sharam (shame)
  • When women are expected to uphold the honour of the family and be a dutiful and obedient wife or daughter who accepts violence rather than leaving home
  • Being outcast by their extended family and wider community
  • Being accused of bringing shame on their family honour
  • Close-knit communities can offer good support and other advantages but this can also mean reduced privacy
  • Women in such communities fear that they will be ignored, or that they will suffer further violence
  • Women are wrongly encouraged to blame themselves and their own behaviour for ‘provoking’ attacks upon them
  • Lack of confidentiality, even the perception of limited confidentiality, can prevent women from seeking help.

We Believe

All victims of sexual violence deserve justice, safety and protection from the law.
Traditional attitudes are a barrier that can stop women who have been assaulted from accessing support
A victim is never responsible for the violence they have experienced
An adult should not need to report to the police or leave home to get support
Confidentiality is essential for BAMER women to get support and help.

How Can CRASAC Help?

CRASAC understands the complexities of sexual abuse in BAMER communities and the barriers faced by those within them when accessing support. CRASAC is here to hear, believe and provide free and confidential support by staff who understand the values of different cultures. We can support through Counselling and in our Crisis and Advocacy service. CRASAC provide training and resources for staff to ensure that they are aware of the cultural needs. CRASAC also offers effective and appropriate interpretation for clients with language barriers.

In addition, CRASAC reaches out to people who cannot reach in by providing outreach support and information to black, Asian, minority ethnic and refugee women and girls who have experienced sexual violence or who feel that nobody is listening to them.

CRASAC has a core set of values which determines our service and which ensure an anti-discriminatory approach.

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