Sexual Violence can affect any person at any time in their life – including Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ) people. If you’re LGBTQ and have experienced sexual violence at any time in your life our highly trained, all-female team of staff and volunteers can support you.
How CRASAC support LGBTQ people
CRASAC has a helpline, crisis support and advocacy, children’s counselling, and adult counselling service, which is available to anyone who has experienced sexual violence.
CRASAC recognise everyone is an individual and believes that each person should be able to describe their sexual orientation and gender identity in their own way – safe from judgement, prejudice or discrimination.
We will always use a person’s preferred pronoun, will never out someone’s trans status or unduly focus on their gender identity. Our workers will also never judge or scrutinise someone’s sexuality.

Common fears and concerns
LGBTQ people often face abuse, threats and barriers to services because of their sexuality or gender identity – for example, some are thrown out of their family homes or rejected from their community or friendship groups. When LGBTQ people experience sexual violence on top of these experiences, it can make it especially hard to trust others’ and ask for help. These experiences mean LGBTQ people often:
- Feel ashamed about what has happened
- Fear they may be blamed for the sexual violence
- Fear no one will believe them
- Fear they will have to ‘come out’ if they reveal what has happened to them or that they will be ‘outed’
- Fear they may be betraying their community if they report an assault by someone who identifies as LGBTQ
Our team understands these fears and concerns, and will listen to what you have to say, discuss your concerns and offer impartial, non-judgemental support. We want you to know:
- We will never ‘out’ you
- We will never make an adult report to the police to gain access to support
- Sexual violence can and does happen in same sex relationships
- Sexual abuse is not the result or cause of sexuality or gender identity
- Responsibility always lies with the perpetrator
Improving our Services
CRASAC is committed to continuously improving the services we offer to all of our clients – this includes listening to the experiences, needs and wishes of LGBTQ people.
We conduct regular service reviews to assess how accessible and inclusive our service is and continue to provide training and resources to staff on gender and sexuality diversity. CRASAC has a core set of values, which ensures an anti-discriminatory approach.
If you have any feedback on our services or would like to contribute your ideas on how we can make our services more LGBTQ positive, please email our LGBTQ representative at
If you are seeking support for a past or recent act of sexual violence, please [LINK – ‘contact us.’]
Other LGBTQ Community and Support Groups
Below are some LGBTQ support groups and professional services available in Coventry, across the West Midlands and Nationwide that may be able to provide you with advice, support and friendship.
Galop are a national charity who support LGBT+ who have experienced hate crime, sexual violence and/or domestic abuse.
Coventry Pride is a charity that runs and supports a range of local community groups.
Coventry Pride coffee morning is an informal place to chill out, relax, grab a coffee and meet other members of the LGBT+ community. They meet every second Saturday of the month.
Prism is Coventry’s LGBTQ+ Youth Group, offering a free weekly social group for LGBTQ+ young people from Coventry and the surrounding areas aged between 13 and 18.
Spectrum is an LGBT+ group for 18-30 year olds in and around the Coventry area. Run by Coventry Pride with regular social events and more.
YANA – You Are Not Alone – This event is for the trans members of the community in Coventry and are a safe space to meet. They meet on the fourth Saturday of the month January to November and on the third Saturday in December at the Yard in Coventry.
Out in the UK – A support group for LGBT+ refugees & asylum seekers, we meet on the second and fourth Friday of the month.
Grapevine – We help all kinds of people experiencing isolation, poverty and disadvantage in Coventry and Warwickshire. We help strengthen people, spark community action and shift power. Including within the LGBT+ community.
Coventry Corsairs RFC – A fully inclusive rugby team based in Coventry. Inclusive to men, women, gay, straight, bi, trans, lesbian, those with rugby experience as well as those with none. Anyone is welcome to come along and join them. Training can be for either full contact rugby or none contact rugby.